Color Psychology in Interiors – How to Choose Colors

Unlock the secrets of color psychology in home design and paint your world with emotions.


Who doesn’t love colors? I sure do! In design and decor, colors can be really powerful in shaping our daily lives. Your color choices can evoke emotions, set moods, and transform the very essence of spaces.

So here I’m gonna talk about the art and science of selecting and harmonizing colors for your interiors. From the serenity of blues to the passion of reds and the purity of whites, let’s explore how these hues can influence not just the aesthetics but the emotional well-being of your space.


The Basics of Color Psychology

So let’s start with the basics. Color psychology is the study of how different colors impact human emotions, behaviors, and perceptions. This theory helps us understand why certain colors make us feel relaxed, energized, or even sad.

Color psychology starts with the most basic tool – a primary color wheel. Each hue on this wheel has a set of associated emotions. For example, red often sparks feelings of passion and excitement, while cool blues soothe our senses.

Colors and Their Emotions

Let’s break down all the major colors that you’ll be using in interiors. Each color on the spectrum has the power to ignite specific emotions.

With an understanding of their psychological impact, you’ll be able to use them to resonate with your feelings or to set moods for a space. Furthermore, I’ll give some real-life examples of how these colors can be effectively integrated into interior design.


Psychology: Calming and soothing, associated with stability and tranquility.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes a sense of serenity, relaxation, and trust, making it ideal for bedrooms, study and spaces where a peaceful ambiance is desired.



Psychology: Energetic and attention-grabbing, symbolizing passion and vitality.
Mood & Emotions: Creates a sense of excitement, warmth, and intensity, often used as an accent color to add drama or draw focus in areas like dining rooms or living rooms.

home decor interior design color psychology


Psychology: Symbolizes growth, nature, and harmony, promoting balance and renewal.
Mood & Emotions: Inspires feelings of freshness, relaxation, and rejuvenation, making it suitable for areas like kitchen or living room, where a connection to nature is sought.

home decor interior design color psychology


Psychology: Associated with happiness, optimism, and energy, evoking a cheerful vibe.
Mood & Emotions: Instills a sense of positivity, warmth, and vibrancy, making it a great choice for kitchens and spaces that need an infusion of light.



Psychology: Elegance, creativity, and spirituality are linked to this color.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes feelings of luxury, mystery, and imagination, often used in bedrooms, drawing room or areas where a touch of sophistication is desired.

home decor interior design color psychology


Psychology: Combines energy of red with happiness of yellow, representing enthusiasm.
Mood & Emotions: Creates a welcoming and invigorating ambiance, fostering a sense of warmth and social interaction, well-suited for gathering areas.


Neutral Beige:

Psychology: Neutral and timeless, symbolizing simplicity and flexibility.
Mood & Emotions: Offers a sense of calmness, neutrality, and versatility, making it a popular choice for creating a neutral backdrop in various rooms.

home decor interior design color psychology


Psychology: Sophisticated and balanced, representing practicality and composure.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes a sense of neutrality, calmness, and modernity, often used to create elegant and minimalist spaces like home-office or foyer.


Psychology: Symbolizes purity, cleanliness, and openness.
Mood & Emotions: Elicits feelings of simplicity, clarity, and spaciousness, commonly chosen to create a sense of purity in bathrooms and kitchens.



Psychology: Represents power, elegance, and formality.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes feelings of mystery, strength, and sophistication, used as an accent color to add depth and contrast to interiors.

home decor interior design color psychology


Psychology: Earthy and reliable, associated with stability and comfort.
Mood & Emotions: Creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, promoting a sense of security and relaxation, often used in rustic and cozy spaces like dining or bar.

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Psychology: Signifies compassion, love, and playfulness.
Mood & Emotions: Elicits feelings of tenderness, sweetness, and youthful energy, making it a popular choice for nurseries and feminine spaces like girls’ rooms.



Psychology: Combines the calming qualities of blue with the invigorating aspects of green.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes a refreshing and serene ambiance, often used in coastal or tropical-themed interiors to bring a sense of tranquility.



Psychology: Associated with luxury, wealth, and prosperity.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes feelings of opulence, elegance, and warmth, used as an accent color to add a touch of glamour and richness.


Psychology: Modern and sleek, symbolizing elegance and innovation.
Mood & Emotions: Creates a sense of sophistication, futuristic appeal, and coolness, often incorporated as a metallic accent.


Psychology: Soft and versatile, combining the warmth of beige with the neutrality of white.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes feelings of comfort, simplicity, and understated elegance, used to create soothing and airy interiors.



Psychology: Combines the calmness of blue with the vibrancy of purple.
Mood & Emotions: Elicits a sense of relaxation, enchantment, and gentle energy, often used in bedrooms or spaces aimed at tranquility.



Psychology: Harmonious blend of blue and green, symbolizing balance and clarity.
Mood & Emotions: Creates a sense of calmness, serenity, and creativity, making it suitable for areas where focus and tranquility are desired.

Mint Green:

Psychology: Refreshing and invigorating, reminiscent of nature’s greenery.
Mood & Emotions: Evokes feelings of vitality, rejuvenation, and a connection to the outdoors, suitable for areas seeking a touch of freshness.

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Navy Blue:

Psychology: Deep and timeless, conveying elegance and strength.
Mood & Emotions: Elicits a sense of sophistication, depth, and a touch of formality, often used to create a sense of depth and richness in interiors.

Color Selection for Different Spaces

When it comes to using color psychology in interior design, one size certainly does not fit all. So here are 5 tips on how to choose colors for different spaces for your home:

Consider the Room’s Purpose

What is this room used for and what energy or mood do you want here? For relaxation and rest, choose calming colors like soft blues, muted greens, or gentle neutrals for bedrooms. In spaces where you need energy and creativity, such as a home office, opt for vibrant yet not overly stimulating colors like warm yellows or earthy tones.


Account for Natural Light

The amount of natural light a room receives can greatly affect how colors appear. Rooms with ample natural light can handle both light and dark colors, while those with limited light may benefit from lighter shades to create an open and airy feel.

Balance Warm and Cool Tones

Achieve visual balance by considering the warmth or coolness of the colors you choose. Warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows can make a space feel cozy, while cooler colors like blues and grays create a sense of calm. Mixing warm and cool tones in appropriate proportions can make your interiors feel balanced.

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Sample and Test Colors

Always test paint colors in the actual room before making a final decision. Use color swatches to see how the color appears in different lighting conditions; and make sure you test the colors with the drapes and lighting you’ll actually be installing.

Consider the Color’s Undertones

Colors often have undertones that can affect the overall look of a room. For instance, a gray with a blue undertone may appear cooler, while one with a warm taupe undertone may feel cozier.

home decor interior design color psychology

Creating Ambiance with Color Combinations

Just like in music, individual notes don’t matter in themselves. They come together in harmony to create a symphony, and that’s what is important to the listener. Similarly, color theory is all about the combinations and interplay between them to create the real magic.

Color Schemes & How to Select Them for Interiors

So now that you know about how to choose individual colors, let’s check out how combining colors can enhance or balance the emotional impact of a space.


These combinations are called color schemes, and there are a few types you need to know about. Also check out our Color Theory article for more details on color combinations. Now, each of these schemes has its unique effects on the ambiance of a room:

1. Monochromatic Color Scheme: This scheme uses various shades and tones of a single color, creating a harmonious look.

Monochromatic schemes offer simplicity and elegance. They create a calm and harmonious atmosphere, best for spaces where relaxation and tranquility are desired, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, and meditation rooms.


2. Analogous Color Scheme: Analogous colors are neighbors on the color wheel, and this scheme combines them to create a well-coordinated ambiance.

Analogous schemes offer cohesion and serenity, ideal for spaces where you want to go for a peaceful and unified ambiance, like living rooms, dining areas, and bedrooms.

3. Complementary Color Scheme: Complementary colors sit opposite each other on the color wheel, creating a dynamic contrast that energizes a space.

Complementary schemes provide contrast and vigor. They work well in spaces where you want a bold and vibrant look, like kitchens, children’s playrooms, and other lively areas.


4. Triadic Color Scheme: This scheme uses three colors equidistant from each other on the color wheel.

Triadic schemes offer a balanced yet dynamic look. They are suitable for creative and eclectic spaces like home offices, gym, art studios, or kids’ room.


5. Split-Complementary Color Scheme: This one combines one base color with the two adjacent to its complementary color, providing the contrast of complementary colors with a more balanced feel.

Split-complementary schemes are really versatile, so they can be used in living or dining rooms, home offices, or anywhere you want a visually appealing contrast without overwhelming the space. You can also use them in places where you want to experiment with a new trendy look, like a party room or guest room, or your studio for recording vlogs.

The important thing to understand that these are just general color schemes, not interior specific. Most designers just go for a simpler color scheme with a neutral color and an accent color or so (keep reading for more info).

home decor interior design color psychology

Practical Tips for Using Color Psychology

Now we’ve learned all about colors and palettes, but how to actually select them for parts of a room? So here’s my toolkit on selecting the right colors seamlessly through wall paint, furniture selection, decor accents, and even textiles.

1. Start with a Neutral Base

Begin with neutral colors for walls and large furniture pieces. Neutrals like beige, gray, or soft white will provide a versatile canvas where you can then add bolder colors through accents.


For neutral base, you can either match the shade of a neutral, such as cream colored walls with cream furniture; or use close shades of the same neutral, like beige walls with mocha furniture.

2. Select a Dominant Color

Also called the secondary color, this will be the color your eyes will actually see first. Meaning, it’ll be for the furniture and main decor. Choose a dominant color based on the mood you want to create, using the color guide above.

3. Select an Accent Color/ Experiment with Accent Walls

The accent color is usually a bright color or a metallic, but it can also be any other color. It is used sparingly throughout the room to create focal points or points of interest.


For example, you can paint one wall in an accent color. Or you can use it for specific decor pieces, like cushions, headboard, etc. This adds visual interest and can emphasize a specific area of the room, such as a bed or a sofa.

4. Create a Color Palette

Using the 3 colors as described above, create a color palette. It can also have 2 colors or more than 3, depending on the look you’re going for. And combine them based on the color schemes guide above.


5. Use the 60-30-10 Rule

Follow the 60-30-10 rule when using colors. Assign 60% of the room’s color to the walls (dominant color), 30% to furniture and decor (secondary color), and 10% to accents (accent color). This creates visual balance.

6. Incorporate Texture and Patterns

Add some extra interest by incorporating textures and patterns in textiles, such as curtains, rugs, and throw pillows. They work in any of the colors of your palette, primary, secondary or accent.


7. Accessorize Thoughtfully

Your decor items like vases, artwork, bedding and cushions also contribute to the room’s overall look, so make them a part of the color palette. They can introduce accent colors, so select them strategically to evoke specific emotions.

Cultural and Personal Influences

The language of colors may be universal, however, its perception is really influenced by culture and personal experiences. While choosing colors for your or others’ home, make sure you consider the cultural backgrounds and individual histories, and even the unique perspective of a user, as everyone has a specific experience with a certain color.

home decor interior design color psychology

Here are some examples of the different cultural and personal significance of different colors:

1. Red

  • Cultural Significance: In many Asian cultures like Chinese and Indian, red symbolizes luck, happiness, and prosperity. It’s commonly used in celebrations and weddings.
  • Personal Influence: For people from cultures where red represents positive qualities, incorporating this color in decor can evoke feelings of joy and auspiciousness. Consider using red in accents or furnishings.

2. White

  • Cultural Significance: In Western cultures, white often represents purity and cleanliness and is commonly associated with weddings.
  • Personal Influence: People with a personal preference for simplicity and cleanliness may opt for white interiors to create a sense of purity and serenity. That’s why you often see it in hospitals and even for hotel beddings (they want us to feel the sheets are unused, although they aren’t!).
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3. Blue

  • Cultural Significance: In some Middle Eastern cultures, blue symbolizes protection from the evil eye. In Western cultures, it often signifies calm and serenity.
  • Personal Influence: Individuals with these cultural beliefs may choose it as a dominant color, or for a tranquil ambiance in their space.

4. Yellow

  • Cultural Significance: In many Eastern cultures, yellow represents joy and positive energy. It’s often used in festivals and ceremonies.
  • Personal Influence: Those who associate yellow with happiness and energy may incorporate it in spaces where they seek to boost mood and creativity, such as kitchens or home offices.

5. Green

  • Cultural Significance: In Islam, green is considered a sacred color and is associated with paradise. In Western cultures, it’s often tied to nature and renewal.
  • Personal Influence: Individuals with a personal affinity for nature may use green to bring a sense of the outdoors into their homes. Those with cultural ties to green’s sacredness may use it in decor or furnishings.

Case Studies and Examples

What better way to understand the power of color psychology than to witness it in action? Here are some spaces I’ve designed that use different color schemes and color psychology:

Let’s start with my own room, it’s a bit edgy with the red and white palette. So here, the base color is white, which I used on walls, ceiling, wall of built-in storage and flooring. For the secondary color, it’s red, which is used in the headboard, beddings, artwork and rug. The accent color is wedge, which is of course used in the paneling and bed.

This color palette keeps the room feeling energized, as I love to work, design and draw here too (who needs sleep?).

bedroom interior design decorisk magazine

A complete opposite is the living room, which uses a more neutral color palette to create a soothing environment. For this, the base color is beige, shades of it used in flooring, walls and staircase. The secondary color is teak used in furniture. There are two accent colors, black for the cabinets and staircase railing, and purple, used in curtains and artwork.

classic home décor that never goes out of style staircase dining table

So I hope my guide helped you understand the profound relationships between colors and emotions in interior decor. I hope it also inspired you to design your our own space that not only pleases the eye but also touches the heart and soul.

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